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Template Zabbix

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Template Zabbix para monitoramento do OPNsense:

Olá pessoal,

Passando para anunciar que construí um template zabbix para monitoramento de itens do OPNsense.

O template é baseado na API do OPNSense e não tem nenhuma dependência.

Long live to opensource 🌌

2024-03-10: repositório novo sem herdar código legado do rbicelli.

2024-02-15: Template atualizado e implementado o monitoramento via API do OPNSense.

great job. monitoring ipsec?
Your approach doesn't seem bad to me

i test your template, for ipsec i have modify status because, 0 is disconnect and 1 is connect.

the tunnel phase 2 is corret data, but the tunnel status i have no data.

there is another user who is developing the template agent for zabbix.  you could join forces!

Hi burghy, sorry for the delay.
I could not reproduce the problem, using ipsec instances or "old tunnel config".
In both configuration types i had the correct tunnel data (0 for tunnel connected), and 1 for disconnect.

Attach 1: data received for the item.
Attach 2: item data for fase2 disconnect.
Attach 3: after the tunnel gets offline the triggers screams.

Regarding P1 not receiving any data, after i disconnect the tunnel that's expected behavior: P1 no data, P2 triggers a disconnection.
After reconnecting the tunnel, P1 starts receiving data again, and P2 shows connected (again).


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