Zenarmour, incorrect name displayed for devices with multiple interfaces

Started by johnyv, December 06, 2023, 10:31:31 PM

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I have a few devices on the network that have multiple network interfaces.
For example a labpc (hostname LABPC) which, when viewed in the Sensei reporting displays the hostname as "LA"
I tried to raise a support ticket but I only received a single response to provide some detail, then it was radio silence.
DNS names are correct they resolve to the correct hostnames of the devices and the DHCP records have the correct hostnames registered to the correct IPs.
Any ideas why this might be happening?

Could you please forward the ticket ID from Zenarmor side so I can help you?


No worries. Actually, we were waiting your answer on the ticket. Can you share the screenshot on ticket or here to see the detail?

I cant actually see the ticket. I only received an email.
What screenshot are you after?
I cant see the open ticket via the zenarmor cloud management UI. Is that where I am supposed to see it?

If you are a free user of ZenArmor aka not a premium, you will not see the ticket in the in a normal portal. The communication is via email, at least that's my experience past these few days I am bothering them with tickets and questions. You basically can just reply to the email received from them, it has a Ticket number and is linked to the ticket in their system (works like Cisco TAC).

So far they always replied on my input provided to them via email.

Networking is love. You may hate it, but in the end, you always come back to it.

APU2D2 - deceased
N5105 - i226-V | Patriot 2x8G 3200 DDR4 | L 790 512G - VM HA(SOON)
N100   - i226-V | Crucial 16G  4800 DDR5 | S 980 500G - PROD

Hi Johnyv,

It is true that the ticket is closed automatically. To see if you can provide the information we requested in the new ticket for you.