Prometheus node exporter plugin

Started by jcdick1, November 14, 2023, 10:47:58 PM

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I'm trying to get the os-node_exporter plugin working.  It is listed as installed in the plugins tab.  However, I see no indication that it is running.  It is not listed on the homepage.  I don't see anything about it in a process list.  The file /etc/rc.conf.d/node_exporter explicitly states not to edit it, but its one line is


The node_exporter file I happened to find in /usr/local/etc says to add lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf to enable it, but neither of those files exist for any other services.  Do I create them? Does it need some sort of bracketed identifier inside to say "These options are for the Prometheus node_exporter"?

Also, once its running, will I need to create a firewall rule to allow my Prometheus instance to scrape it for stats?

It is very confusing behind the scenes with this.

Thanks for any assistance.

I'm not familiar with this plugin but does it not appear listening when you use sockstat?

Nothing shows as listening on port 9100 in sockstat. 

I'm guessing I have enable the plugin, but every file seemingly associated either says "Don't edit" or doesn't exist.

I would try with a onestart first and see if it comes up with ps and sockstat. If no, diagnose time. If yes, put the line in the tunables section that might act as the equivalent of one of those local rc scripts.

> node_exporter_enable="NO"

It hasn't been enabled in the GUI? ;)


I don't have that plugin installed so couldn't tell if that plugin has a GUI part but yes I assume the OP has checked  :)