But some ISPs only hand out an IPv6 prefix and some do this only when only that prefix is being requested (by checking the "request an IPv6 prefix only box") - mine does this: if I request a WAN IPv6, I will get no addresses at all.However, if you check that box, you should get exactly an IPv6 prefix - but that can only be assigned to LAN interfaces, not on the WAN interface itself. traffic from OpnSense itself.
2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c reset a timer on igb0, state=SOLICIT, timeo=30, retrans=109080 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c send solicit to ff02::1:2%igb0 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set IA_PD 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set IA_PD prefix 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set option request (len 4) 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set elapsed time (len 2) 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set identity association 2023-11-05T18:13:55-06:00 Notice dhcp6c set client ID (len 14)
I will check with them, but given the settings are the same between pfSense and OPNsense it should just work. DHCPv6, /56 prefix, DUID, all the same.
<wan> <enable></enable> <if>igb0</if> <blockbogons></blockbogons> <descr><![CDATA[WAN]]></descr> <spoofmac></spoofmac> <alias-address></alias-address> <alias-subnet>32</alias-subnet> <blockpriv></blockpriv> <ipaddr>dhcp</ipaddr> <dhcphostname></dhcphostname> <dhcprejectfrom></dhcprejectfrom> <adv_dhcp_pt_timeout></adv_dhcp_pt_timeout> <adv_dhcp_pt_retry></adv_dhcp_pt_retry> <adv_dhcp_pt_select_timeout></adv_dhcp_pt_select_timeout> <adv_dhcp_pt_reboot></adv_dhcp_pt_reboot> <adv_dhcp_pt_backoff_cutoff></adv_dhcp_pt_backoff_cutoff> <adv_dhcp_pt_initial_interval></adv_dhcp_pt_initial_interval> <adv_dhcp_pt_values>SavedCfg</adv_dhcp_pt_values> <adv_dhcp_send_options></adv_dhcp_send_options> <adv_dhcp_request_options></adv_dhcp_request_options> <adv_dhcp_required_options></adv_dhcp_required_options> <adv_dhcp_option_modifiers></adv_dhcp_option_modifiers> <adv_dhcp_config_advanced></adv_dhcp_config_advanced> <adv_dhcp_config_file_override></adv_dhcp_config_file_override> <adv_dhcp_config_file_override_path></adv_dhcp_config_file_override_path> <ipaddrv6>dhcp6</ipaddrv6> <dhcp6-duid></dhcp6-duid> <dhcp6-ia-pd-len>8</dhcp6-ia-pd-len> <dhcp6-ia-pd-send-hint></dhcp6-ia-pd-send-hint> <dhcp6usev4iface></dhcp6usev4iface> <dhcp6withoutra></dhcp6withoutra> <adv_dhcp6_prefix_selected_interface>wan</adv_dhcp6_prefix_selected_interface>/</wan>
On OpnSense, the resulting dhcp6c configuration is in /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf, you can check if it is like the one on your pfSense.For LAN interfaces with RA enabled, you can check if /var/etc/radvd.conf contains the correct definitions (you did configure the router advertisements, did you?).The order is:1. get a delegated prefix on WAN of the correct size (in your case, /56) - regardless if the WAN itself gets an IPv6, 2. assign a part of it to each of your LAN interfaces via a different prefix ID (at most 8 bits) and 3. have that prefix advertised via RA or DHCPv6.
interface igb0 { send ia-na 0; # request stateful address send ia-pd 0; # request prefix delegation request domain-name-servers; request domain-name; script "/var/etc/dhcp6c_wan_script.sh"; # we'd like some nameservers please};id-assoc na 0 { };id-assoc pd 0 { prefix ::/56 infinity; prefix-interface igb1 { sla-id 6; sla-len 8; }; prefix-interface igb2 { sla-id 7; sla-len 8; };};
interface igb0 { send ia-na 0; # request stateful address send ia-pd 0; # request prefix delegation request domain-name-servers; request domain-name; script "/var/etc/dhcp6c_wan_script.sh"; # we'd like some nameservers please};id-assoc na 0 { };id-assoc pd 0 { prefix-interface igb2 { sla-id 7; sla-len 8; }; prefix-interface igb1 { sla-id 6; sla-len 8; };};