2023-09-07T22:23:26 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) started2023-09-07T22:23:26 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T22:23:26 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T22:23:26 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) stopped2023-09-07T21:44:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) started2023-09-07T21:44:01 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T21:44:01 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T21:44:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) stopped2023-09-07T21:43:16 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) started2023-09-07T21:43:16 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) stopped2023-09-07T21:41:18 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) started2023-09-07T21:41:18 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T21:41:18 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T21:41:18 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) stopped2023-09-07T21:00:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface PIA (wg3) started2023-09-07T21:00:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface PIA (wg3) stopped2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface PIA (wg3) started2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface PIA (wg3) stopped2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) started2023-09-07T20:56:48 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T20:56:48 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgRoadWarriors (wg2) stopped2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgScarnet (wg1) started2023-09-07T20:56:48 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface wgScarnet (wg1) stopped
root@OPNsense:~ # /sbin/route -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'add net gateway wg2 fib 0: route already in table
2023-09-08T10:15:34 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was 'add net gateway wg2 fib 0: route already in table'2023-09-08T10:15:34 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was 'add net gateway wg2 fib 0: route already in table'
add net gateway wg1 fib 0: route already in table
root@OPNsense:~ # route show route to: OPNsensedestination: OPNsense fib: 0 interface: lo0 flags: <UP,HOST,DONE,STATIC,PINNED> recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,msec mtu weight expire 0 0 0 0 16384 1 0 root@OPNsense:~ # route show route to: mask: fib: 0 interface: wg1 flags: <UP,DONE,PINNED> recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh rtt,msec mtu weight expire 0 0 0 0 1420 1 0
root@OPNsense:~ # netstat -nr input (Total) output packets errs idrops bytes packets errs bytes colls 13 5 0 1662 9 0 920 0 10 9 0 1636 1 0 178 0 16 10 0 2356 7 0 688 0
2023-09-27T22:17:02 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGSite2Site (wg2) started2023-09-27T22:17:02 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add -'inet' '' -interface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''2023-09-27T22:17:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGSite2Site (wg2) stopped2023-09-27T22:17:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGSite2Site (wg2) can not reconfigure without stopping it first.2023-09-27T22:17:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGxInternet (wg1) started2023-09-27T22:17:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGxInternet (wg1) stopped2023-09-27T22:17:01 Notice wireguard Wireguard interface WGxInternet (wg1) can not reconfigure without stopping it first.
2023-10-12T15:28:00 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add '-4' '' -iface 'wg2'' returned exit code '1', the output was '' 2023-10-12T15:28:00 Error wireguard /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/Wireguard/wg-service-control.php: The command '/sbin/route -q -n add '-4' '' -iface 'wg1'' returned exit code '1', the output was ''