OpenVPN connected but no traffic

Started by Matriciel, May 28, 2023, 04:01:53 PM

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I have upgraded my Opnsense to 23.1.8 and i have issue for connecting my openVPN linux roadwarrior computers et android phone.
I have this issue while 2 or 3 weeks.

I can connect linux client without problems (with NetworkManager or CLI)
When connexion is ok, i can ping servers in Lan, can connect SSH but have timeout for web connexion.
I can test connecion with telnet:
telnet 192.168.x.x 443
with no issue, TCP connexion is ok, firewall rules are ok and worked since several years, but, no traffic and timout.

I read forum, searched around compression, but no success.

It is a big change with OpenVPN integration ?

Thank for your help

Is this for a web server on your LAN or another network segment routed from your LAN?
Are you serving your web server via an OPNsense reverse proxy, e.g. using NGINIX or HAProxy?
I would ask whether your OpenVPN clients are being pushed a gateway, but it appears they are...maybe...
It seems OpenVPN is working but you have an issue with clients connecting to the web server. Is that correct?

Thank for your response but the configuration is correct, i use haproxy on a VM (like others servers), incomming traffic is ok, only VPN traffic seem very slow.
The traffic from OpenVPN is full open to Lan.
I have this problem with connexion with "high" traffic...
SSH is OK, ping also, idem for Telnet, but Web and VNC arent very slow (to a timeout).

I have found the problem: It's MTU problem. Since latests release, i was used default MTU on linux and android client (1500).
I have modified the MTU to 1300 and now, connexion is OK and no traffic issue...

I had the exact same problem.  In my case, a MTU of 1400 fixed the issue on my Linux clients.  Also, in my case, ping worked but SSH or HTTPS from a Linux client failed with the default MTU (1500).

Oddly, Windows clients work correctly with the default MTU (1500).

For me, this problem began when I upgraded to 23.7 from 23.1.11.