Proceed with this action? [y/N]: yFetching mdns-repeater-1.10_2.txz: 100% 12 KiB 12.6kB/s 00:01Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)[1/1] Installing mdns-repeater-1.10_2...[1/1] Extracting mdns-repeater-1.10_2: 100%root@firewall:~ #
Go to "Interfaces" > "Assignments". It should show you which interface is linked to which physical port.LAN could be ethX or emX, VLAN interfaces usually have "_vlanXX" added to their host interface. So let's say you have LAN at eth0 and VLAN20, you would enter:mdns-repeater eth0 eth0_vlan20
Quote from: cbb09 on July 21, 2016, 07:26:43 pmGo to "Interfaces" > "Assignments". It should show you which interface is linked to which physical port.LAN could be ethX or emX, VLAN interfaces usually have "_vlanXX" added to their host interface. So let's say you have LAN at eth0 and VLAN20, you would enter:mdns-repeater eth0 eth0_vlan20Thank you for your answerThe interface is em0 so I've linked all productions VLANS to the mans-repeartmdns-repeater em0 em0_vlan20 em0_vlan10 em0_vlan30 em0_vlan40 em0_vlan60The command doesn't shows up any error.Does it means now the AirPrint should start working whenever the user is on of those VLANS ?
Just think about 1 possible connection as an example and think about what is all involved.1. The printer sends out its propagation into its local subnet using mDNS2. The proxy running on the firewall takes this information and sends it out into all other LAN's.3. The mobile device takes this information (IP and service propagated) and then tries to connect to this IP and the port the service runs (eg. LPR or IPP)So, if you have separated VLAN's with restricted traffic, you need to allow all those packets to get through the filters. That also means, that a printer with a dynamic IP isn't really a good idea, because you need pinholes through the firewall to allow this printer to be used from outside its network/VLAN. So either you have to open the firewall like "allow LPR from any to any" or you "allow LPR from any to <IP of printer>" - and a changing IP of the printer will be a little pita.. ^^I'm quite sure that your firewall is blocking to much. Check if1. you see the Bonjour packets from other subnets and2. you can connect to the printer service (IPP, LPR or whatever it offers)