Firewall: Diagnostics: Aliases / add address / remove address works for 30 secon

Started by gonzo, April 19, 2023, 09:12:48 PM

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When I add an IP in Firewall: Diagnostics: Aliases it appears in the list for 30 seconds and disappears.
What should I do so that the added IP address remains on the list permanently ?


I am not sure, if I understand your question correctly, but you can create aliases in "Firewall" > "Aliases". When you do it there, they should stick.

The IP address disappears, because the aliases tables are recreated periodically from what has been configured for an alias.

Yes, I have an alias created, but it fetches data every 6 hours. And I want to add or remove one address quickly.

I don't think Firewall > Diagnostics > Aliases is made for this purpose. As I see it its mainly functionality is to see stats of the defined Alias groups made in Firewall > Aliases.

Also adding an object in Firewall > Aliases is already a quick thing. Thats why it was created in first place so you dont need to constantly redo your rules.

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Ok, so tell me how to quickly remove an IP address that was mistakenly included in the list of blocked IP addresses when the list is refreshed every 12 hours ?
I have to wait 12 hours ?

1. Create an IP alias with a NOT ("!") setting, e.g. "!".
2. Create an alias that combines your IP list and the not-IP-alias
3. Use the new combined alias.
4. Done.