Gui becomes unresponsive (can't reach it)

Started by bob9744, January 29, 2023, 04:43:36 PM

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Hi all,

Routing still works, can access internet and everything on my network fine, but the gui's inaccessible. Combine that with the fact that I have ssh disabled (didn't think I'd need it for a while), and I'm pretty much left without a means to get in.

At this point, I'll just cycle power and see what happens - I'm beginning to wonder, though, if I ought roll back to v22 for a bit. Is there a way to roll back that'll encompass everything, or would I be better starting from scratch?


If you have physical access to the box you should be able to use the console.

January 29, 2023, 05:54:16 PM #2 Last Edit: January 29, 2023, 06:20:12 PM by Andi75
I can't access my WebGui, too. I figured out, that haproxy and/or the acme client is the cause. But I didn't know why it is happening.
haproxy is listening on port 80 und 443, the webgui is listening on 8443. Before the update to 23.1 the config is working perfectly for months.

After Upgrade to 23.1 I have the same problem: initially I could still access the WebGUI but after navigating away from the dashboard, it locked up and did not recover. However, I might have found a hint/a problem (not sure if that is actually the case, but it would match with the descriptions in this post):

I tried to restart the gui via ssh, which failed with the following error message:
[adminaccount@opnsense ~]$ /usr/local/etc/rc.restart_webgui
Starting web GUI...failed.
Generating RRD graphs...
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: fwrite(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in /usr/local/etc/inc/
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/etc/inc/ fwrite(false, '#!/bin/sh\n\nexpo...')
#1 /usr/local/etc/rc.restart_webgui(21): rrd_configure(true)
#2 {main}
  thrown in /usr/local/etc/inc/ on line 568

Routing etc. still works without problems and I have no adguard installed

Had the same problem after upgrading to 23.1.

In the console it said Starting web GUI...failed.
Trying to access the webgui gave me error "503 - Service unavailable".
I've also nginx on Port 80 and 443 running, and the webgui listens to 8443.
It seems that this port was already in use.

After a restart of OPNsense I can access the webgui and every service (including nginx) seems to work fine.
But the service monitor on the Dashboard says, "webgui" is not started.
And it also cannot be started when I press the arrow.
This is very strange, since I already access it via the web interface (which is not running according to the service monitor).

Yesterday I spend some hours to identify the problem. I did a fresh install and everything was working. But at that point I installed the haproxy and the acme plugin and redid the configuration the problem reapeared. But I can't believe they are the cause, but it seems so.
The webgui freezes or can't get loaded. Sometimes I got a 503. When I deactivated both plugins, everything is running fine.

After some trying around (changeing haproxy config, some clean installs), the webgui is accessable but the service will be shown as ,,down". Very strange...
There are no errors in the logs and there are no other services that were touching the webgui port (8443).

January 30, 2023, 02:27:09 PM #7 Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 02:30:17 PM by Andi75
changing the webgui port from 8443 to 8043 solved it for me. Now the webgui is accessible and the service is green now \o/

interestingly, the service is still available under port 8443, too  :o

why is lighttpd running on 8043 and 8443 now?

root@OPNsense:~ # sockstat | grep "lighttpd"
root     lighttpd   28331 6  tcp4        *:*
root     lighttpd   28331 8  tcp6   ::1:8043              *:*
root     lighttpd   28331 9  tcp4      *:*
root     lighttpd   28331 10 tcp6   fd81:...:8043 *:*
root     lighttpd   28331 11 tcp6   2003:...:8043 *:*
root     lighttpd   45507 4  tcp4       *:*
root     lighttpd   45507 5  tcp6   ::1:43580             *:*
root     lighttpd   45507 6  dgram  -> /var/run/logpriv
root     lighttpd   23990 6  tcp4        *:*
root     lighttpd   23990 8  tcp6   ::1:8443              *:*
root     lighttpd   23990 9  tcp4      *:*
root     lighttpd   23990 10 tcp6   fd81:...:8443 *:*
root     lighttpd   23990 11 tcp6   2003:...:8443 *:*