Error when upgrading to 1.12.4

Started by bob9744, January 27, 2023, 03:11:30 AM

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Apologies if this has already been covered, but I noticed two errors while upgrading to the latest Zenarmor:

Script action stderr returned "b'x temp/\nx temp/.snap/\nx temp/0_dns_54.ipdr\nx temp/0_tls_14.ipdr\nx temp/0_http_47.ipdr\nx temp/0_conn_15.ipdr\nx temp/0_alert_3.ipdr\nx temp/0_http_46.ipdr.ready\nx temp/0_conn_14.ipdr.ready'"

Script action stderr returned "b'a temp\na temp/.snap\na temp/0_dns_54.ipdr\na temp/0_tls_14.ipdr\na temp/0_http_47.ipdr\na temp/0_conn_15.ipdr\na temp/0_alert_3.ipdr\na temp/0_http_46.ipdr.ready\na temp/0_conn_14.ipdr.ready'"

If I hadn't noticed these in the backend logs, I never would've noticed, as everything seems to be working fine.

Does anyone know if these are of any concern?

Thanks in advance!

To expand on this, when I switched off Scheduled Reports I found these errors as well:

Script action stderr returned "b'pkg: sqlite error while executing CREATE TABLE packages (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,origin TEXT,name TEXT NOT NULL,version TEXT NOT NULL,comment TEXT NOT NULL,desc TEXT NOT NULL,osversion TEXT,arch TEXT NOT NULL,maintainer TEXT NOT NULL,www TEXT,prefix TEXT N'"

Script action stderr returned "b'pkg: sqlite error while executing DROP TABLE repo_update; in file pkgdb.c:2320: attempt to write a readonly database'"



Please share a bug report from the upper right corner of Zenarmor GUI to look deep into the issue.

my error is...
zenarmor has detected a problem during operation and has shut down zenarmor services in order to prevent a network outage.

It is highly probable that this is due to a netmap issue where netmap might not be inter-operable with your current ethernet adapter.

If you think this is something we should have a look, just click here to let us know about the details and we will investigate this further.

You can re-enable the services from Status page.

The previous version worked fine