Unbound quits running sometimes after 22.7.9 update

Started by Colt45, December 03, 2022, 06:24:02 AM

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As the title says, unbound quits running. First time it did it just an hour or so after the upgrade and reboot was complete. When I logged in, the services status widget showed it was stopped, I hit the recycle button to start it again, and the loading window came up, but eventually went away and it was still stopped.
I ended up rebooting it from the Power -> Reboot interface and when OPNsense came back up, it was running.
It quit this evening, about 24 hours after the first time. I again ended up rebooting to make it come back up as the interfaces in the web UI were unable to restore it.
In the logs, I cant find any distress. There is nothing logged higher than 'Notice' severity.
Which is why Im coming here for suggestions.
Thank you,


I would suggest to start with the simplest possible configuration (so no overrides, query forwarding, DoT/DoH, blocklists, etc.). If that stays running that way, you can gradually re-enable those features, and by doing this, narrow down the issue.
And be sure to check the system logs as well as the unbound log. Depending on the issue, things may get logged in either place.
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

I can confirm this.. When I upgraded to the latest patch level it wouldn't start.

checking configctl complained about dnsbl.conf missing.  Then a python module couldn't be opened for read, which was in /var/unbound.

Had to revert back to the previous release to get back up and running

Possibly a missing reboot after 22.7.9, which should reboot under normal circumstances (nothing running blocking the reboot that is).


No it rebooted directly after the upgrade. Then I had to reboot a second time about a few hours after that. Then another reboot was required roughly a day later.

Thanks for the responses. I looked at the system log and its complaining about a missing dchpd.leases. Ill try turning off DCHP Registration and see if that resolves it.

Yeah, the update did the reboot shortly after.  I even rebooted one more time to make sure I wasn't missing something.

The update rebooted very weirdly, there were processes it did not shut down and I had to do a manual reboot as the update did not properly reboot. Unbound is fine here, though, I just updated verbosity in logging so I'll monitor it.

So unbound quit running again this morning, and I tried to go in and disable the DHCP registration, but its acting wierd. I unchecked the box, clicked save, and then apply settings at the top when it appeared, but it just hung, the page just trying to load for over a minute. I got impatient, I went back to the lobby and then back into unbound, where "Apply Settings" button was still shown, so I clicked it a second time and it hung again.
I finally gave up and rebooted the thing. When it  came up it looks like it finally took my changes to unbound's configuration. But something else is going on here. Can I downgrade to 22.7.8?

Disregard. This problem is occurring due to Suricata 6.0.9 issues found by others. If I just restart Suricata then Unbound I dont need to do a full reboot.
In the interim Ive downgraded Suricata to 6.0.8 from Opnsense 22.7.8 release.

Quote from: Colt45 on December 05, 2022, 05:10:30 AM
Disregard. This problem is occurring due to Suricata 6.0.9 issues found by others. If I just restart Suricata then Unbound I dont need to do a full reboot.
In the interim Ive downgraded Suricata to 6.0.8 from Opnsense 22.7.8 release.

Interesting! I actually saw some issues and completely wiped suricata which helped. Good data point.