Zenarmor - install database - freeze

Started by sljivara, October 17, 2022, 02:02:30 PM

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Hello everybody!

I need help with my OPNsense 22.1.10_4-amd64, FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE, LibreSSL 3.3.6
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz (6 cores, 6 threads), 32 GB RAM

I want to install and configure Zenarmor® (Sensei) NGFW plugin.

os-sunnyvalley installed fast and without any problems
os-sensei is installing very long (half of hour just extracting)

Currently running OPNsense 22.1.10_4 (amd64/LibreSSL) at Mon Oct 17 13:39:12 CEST 2022
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
Updating SunnyValley repository catalogue...
SunnyValley repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
   os-sensei: 1.11.5 [SunnyValley]
   os-sensei-updater: 1.11 [SunnyValley]
   ubench: 0.32 [SunnyValley]

Number of packages to be installed: 3

The process will require 196 MiB more space.
[1/3] Installing os-sensei-updater-1.11...
[1/3] Extracting os-sensei-updater-1.11: .. done
Registering plug-in to the OPNsense firmware system...done
[2/3] Installing ubench-0.32...
[2/3] Extracting ubench-0.32: ..... done
[3/3] Installing os-sensei-1.11.5...
[3/3] Extracting os-sensei-1.11.5: ....... (half hour here)

When is finally installed i go to Zenarmor and go through "welcome" and "hardware check" without problems.

But when in choose to install database whole thing freeze and i have to restart it.

I checked disk but it's ok - no errors.

Any ideas? Thank you.

I just got stuck in the same spot. I was previously using an external Elasticsearch DB but that external machine was unreliable so I reset to defaults and went back through to select a local db. Have you made it past that point yet?

I'm also stuck in the exact same spot after uninstalling/reinstalling Zenarmor. Have you been able to work this out yet?

November 01, 2022, 09:52:49 AM #4 Last Edit: June 06, 2023, 11:08:08 AM by beki

I don't know if this is still an issue for anyone or not, but I ran into it a few days ago when trying Zenarmor.

I had thought I'd select a SQLite database since I'm just testing this and my hardware isn't that beefy. I got the same hang as the OP did and my screen looked the same.

After trying it twice and getting nowhere, I then selected mongodb for the database and that worked. It created the database and Zenarmor is working.

I didn't try the elasticsearch option. That seemed like too much work and complexity for a home network. :-)


Your OPNsense version seems pretty old. Please update it to the latest version to get the latest Zenarmor version.