OpenVPN stopped working after upgrade to 22.7.3_2 (CRL cannot be loaded)

Started by Horstinator, September 02, 2022, 07:47:15 PM

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I just upgraded to 22.7.3_2 and my OpenVPN server stopped working.

On startup of the vpn server I see the following error in the log:
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #7 {main}
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #6 /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanip(170): plugins_configure('vpn', false, Array)
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #5 /usr/local/etc/inc/ openvpn_configure_do(false, 'wan')
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #4 /usr/local/etc/inc/ openvpn_reconfigure('server', Array, false)
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #3 /usr/local/etc/inc/ crl_update(Array)
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #2 /usr/local/etc/inc/ phpseclib3\File\X509->validateSignature(false)
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #1 /usr/local/share/phpseclib/File/X509.php(1286): phpseclib3\File\X509->validateSignatureCountable(false, 0)
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php #0 /usr/local/share/phpseclib/File/X509.php(1412): phpseclib3\File\X509->validateSignatureHelper('rsaEncryption', '-----BEGIN PUBL...', 'id-RSASSA-PSS', '\xA3\xD4\x07\xCA\xCBX\f@\x7F\xD8j\xE19\x90m...', '0\x81\xC60\v\x06\t*\x86H\x86\xF7\r\x01\x01...')
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php Stack trace:
2022-09-01T22:01:21 Error php Cert revocation error: CRL signature invalid phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException: Signature algorithm unsupported in /usr/local/share/phpseclib/File/X509.php:1455

The CRL cannot get loaded anymore and therefore any incoming sessions get denied.

The VPN worked fine on the last patch.

I can confirm this issue.

Since my CRL is currently empty, I managed to work around the problem by disabling the CRL in the OpenVPN server setup.

Hi I am seeing the same thing here

Upgrade to 22.7 worked fine, after the upgrade to the latest version a few minute ago openvpn client access stopped working  :-[

OpenVPN  site-to-site seems to be fine though..   :)

I would expect this fixes the issue. There likely is also a bug in the upstream phpseclib package, but changing the defaults back to how they where in version 2 should workaround signature padding issues with their new defaults.

Best regards,


Will be issuing 22.7.4 until Wednesday to address the CRL/phpseclib 3 situation further.



In the new version, the error only seems to have an effect on OpenVPN if the CRL list is empty during the update. As soon as even one certificate is included in the blacklist, the update can be carried out successfully and OpenVPN works (although the above error is still displayed in the log).


Hi all,

the issue reappeared for me in Opnsense version 22.7.6, after it had been fixed in previous releases.
For me, openvpn with an empty CRL stopped working again. After disabling the CRL, it functions as expected.


Same here after upgrading from 22.7.4 to 22.7.6.
OpenVPN with empty CRL List does not connect anymore.
Works fine after deleting and recreating the CRL List

Coincidentally this is mentioned in the 22.7.6 release notes in full.
