Installing (Not Enabling) Keeps Crashing Server and I Have No Internet Now

Started by ticker, August 28, 2022, 06:00:48 PM

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So, I was in the webgui under plugins and went to install Sensei. It installed, I didn't see it in the services list, so I logged out and back in. Still didn't see it, as I was clicking through menus the web ui just crashed. Internet stopped working, can't ping anything from my client, not even the server.

If I reboot the server, everything works for about a 20seconds and then all crashes again and becomes unresponsive.

I didn't even enable it yet, I doubt it starts in an enabled state so Idk what is going on but I have zero internet and limited time.
Stupid me didn't make a recent backup, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas, and yes I learned my lesson.

I CAN get in via shell, not ssh. In shell I login to my user, and try to delete the package and hope that fixes. I get a user is not in the sudoers file error. Well I disabled root user via web interface, and this user has no issues managing stuff in the web ui. I gave it wheel/root access when I did it so idk wtf to do.
Not sure if deleting it will even fix it so idk. I'm not sure why this even happened but I'm so lost and can't find anything when searching.

Ok I was able to login to the web ui fast enough to enable the root user, before it crashed again but I can login to shell via root now!
I tried pkg delete sunnyvalley-1.2_2 and it just says packages requested for removal: 0 locked, 1 missing.

I looked in pkg info and I see it there, but the beginning part of my screen is cutoff on the monitor so maybe I'm missing something before it?

I see it under pkg info, I can search it with pkg search sunny
but I can't pkg delete or pkg install it without it saying it can't find it. I don't understand.
It still doesn't make sense to me that just installing the package would cause this issue. 

Ok so, I was able to delete it with os-sunnyvalley.

Also I didn't realize it made automatic backups. So I restored a backup from the 14th when the system was working no issues.
I hit yes to reboot for clean config, and then when finished it was STILL giving the same issue. So I rebooted once more, I could access the web gui and ping the server for a few seconds and then it went responsive again!

This makes no sense to me, all I did was install a package. And even after reverting to a backup created in a working period, it is still giving the same exact issue.

Ok final revelation because I am completely unsure of where to go from here on out with diagnosis.

So i just tested the internet on my family vlan on my brothers computer, and it seems to be working without issue.
it seems to be potentially vlan related. I cannot ping my desktop rom even the firewall, despite being on the same vlan.
I can however ping google from the firewall.
i can't ping the firewall from my desktop.

Usually it says in the shell "web interface can be reached at X ip"
I noticed it doesn't say that.
I do see sums for HTTPS.

Also It looks like all the interface ips are set correctly.
I know I have the web ui set to only listen on my vlan not my families, so it probably is something relating to that. It partially makes sense why I can't ping around my vlan, and also can't reach the web ui if it's a vlan issue.

But I fail to see why this issue occured, and I fail to see what the actual issue is.
I don't understand why the restore didn't resolve the issue either, seeing that was a period where the firewall was working without issue.

I don't know how to further diagnose this issue and really need to get this internet back up.