HA requirements

Started by firewalled101, August 13, 2022, 03:07:21 AM

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August 13, 2022, 03:07:21 AM Last Edit: August 13, 2022, 05:55:47 PM by firewalled101
I have an N5105 mini machine that I intend to use with OPNSense without a hypervisor. I would like to set up another OPNSense instance on Proxmox as a backup HA. Is this doable? I learned from forums that interfaces has to have similar names for HA to work.

I currently have Arris S33 modem connected to a virtualized opnsense instance. My LAN is connected to a managed L2+ smart switch that carries out my VLANs. I initially thought to set up two virtualized instances but I dont have a physical router to hand over IP addresses to downstream opnsense instances. I do not plan to use my L2+ smart switch to handle DHCP.

I am open to suggestions.  Thank you.

In my experience, that's highly unlikely to work.

The issue is, the interface names and interface order need to be the same to get HA sync for the firewall rules etc. to sync from the primary to the backup. The VM vs the physical box will be too different with different physical interface names.

The standard rules of general clustering apply - the primary and the backup need to be ideally identical, if not identical then almost identical.
