acme-client plugin apparently not working

Started by eil, July 21, 2022, 03:16:56 PM

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I installed the ACME Client plugin today and I _think_ I performed all the necessary steps to set it up but it doesn't look like anything is happening.

  • I am using Let's Encrypt for the certificate provider
  • I am using the DNS validation with Cloudflare

I followed the instructions in the Quick Start Guide:

  • the plugin is enabled
  • I created an account for Let's Encrypt (the account shows as "OK (registered)"
  • I added a DNS-01 challenge type using API and entered my CF Account ID and CF API Token
  • I then added a certificate (with the FQDN as the CN) with the ACME account set to the Let's Encrypt account, the challenge type set to the Cloudflare challenge

The Certificates tab shows for this certificate:

  • Enabled: yes
  • Issue/Renewal Date: pending
  • Last ACME Status: unknown
  • Last ACME Run: unknown

I also added a cron job to renew the cert every 2 months but I don't think that is affecting anything.

I tried pushing the "Run automations" button but that didn't change anything.

The system log only contains an error about cron (this happened prior to setting anything up) and a line saying "AcmeClient: account registration successful for letsencrypt". The ACME Log tab is completely empty.

Any suggestions on what I can do or check?


I forgot to mention that I am running 22.1.10 and the plugin says it is version 3.11