New Dynamic DNS not working

Started by nerlins, April 02, 2022, 04:03:16 AM

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April 02, 2022, 04:03:16 AM Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 04:10:36 AM by nerlins
I can't get this new version to work. It doesn't seem to save my password, doesn't have a dashboard widget, and the logs keep saying found neither IPV4 nor IPV6 address. It also doesn't show up in the services widget, and I also have these errors:

WARNING: file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

WARNING: updating nochg: No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

I am using NOIP. I have tried noip-ipv4, interface, and other options for Check IP Method. Am I doing something wrong?

April 02, 2022, 04:17:39 AM #1 Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 04:19:29 AM by nerlins
Nevermind...possibly. Didn't even see the little ENABLE checkbox. Also, Force SSL possibly needs to be disabled for NOIP. I finally got a SUCCESS message after making those changes and enabling verbose logging.

This happens to me also... the "new" ddclient simply does not work and I have to fall back to os-dyndns, which is said to be removed in the future Opnsense release.

Opnsense please... solve the problem before removing something useful okay?

Quote from: theplum on April 09, 2022, 07:17:42 AM
This happens to me also... the "new" ddclient simply does not work and I have to fall back to os-dyndns, which is said to be removed in the future Opnsense release.

Opnsense please... solve the problem before removing something useful okay?

Forget to mention, I am using NOIP free...

April 09, 2022, 03:56:57 PM #4 Last Edit: April 09, 2022, 04:41:12 PM by MTR
Same error here, using FreeDNS.

WARNING: file /var/tmp/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

For anyone who came here through a search engine, there is already a thread for this issue here:

April 09, 2022, 04:48:19 PM #5 Last Edit: April 09, 2022, 05:23:34 PM by MTR

Quote from: theplum on April 09, 2022, 07:17:42 AM
This happens to me also... the "new" ddclient simply does not work and I have to fall back to os-dyndns, which is said to be removed in the future Opnsense release.

Opnsense please... solve the problem before removing something useful okay?

Also, even if I remove the malfunctioning ddclient, the following thing still appears in the system log

ddclient   18075 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address