PPPoE/WAN Address changed after upgrade to 22.1

Started by utahbmxer, March 21, 2022, 10:47:34 PM

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I have a /28 IP block with my ISP and am required to use PPPoE for these static addresses.  Firewall is being assigned the first IP when viewing packet capture and checking PPP IPCP frames (all other IPs are created as IP Aliases).  It seems that after upgrading to 22.1, the "WAN Address" is showing as the second usable IP now (first Alias), and this is also being used in the Automatic Outbound NAT rules.

I may have to switch to Manual outbound to fix this, but curious if anyone else has seen this?  What can I check?


Time to roll back I guess.  NAT or PPPoE is broken, can't even overwrite with a manual rule, still uses the wrong IP.

Which repo would this be an issue for on github?  core?