PHP and Zenn armor CPU usage and high temps

Started by loganx1121, March 14, 2022, 02:37:11 PM

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Has anyone else noticed that since the "Watchful Owl" update or whatever it was called, their dashboard shows high CPU temps?  I ssh'd and saw eastpect (zennarmor I believe) taking up most of the CPU.  Turned that off, but the temps didn't improve on the dashboard.  I also noticed PHP periodically spikes the CPU as well.

The dashboard never showed temps above 44 prior to the update.  Now it regularly hits in the 80's or 90's and sometimes stays there.  The hardware is a Qotom box so it's just one big heatsink.

Yes, I noticed exactly the same on my box with Zenarmor active. I didn't see any temperature issues prior to the upgrade. On average, the temperature seems to be ok (no really higher than before) but there are many spikes up to 80 to 90 degrees Celsius.

I also noticed an increase in interrupts since the upgrade. Maybe this is related.

Yeah.  It's quite concerning to me that the temp regularly jumps like 50 degrees from what it usually was before the upgrade.  Kinda hoping it's a bug in the temp display and the CPU isn't actually getting that hot.  That's concerning.