Upgrading to V22.1 breaks my 10Gig Network

Started by patan32, January 29, 2022, 09:13:36 AM

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January 29, 2022, 09:13:36 AM Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 06:30:35 AM by patan32

After upgrading to the new version of opnsense it breaks my 10gig network. Please see the video below. I did a fresh install and same issue. I am using Sophos SG320 hardware with 10 Gig modules. If i unplug the fiber cable it will boot okay and not kill my cisco switches uplink. If the fiber is plugged in the uplink port will change to orange.

Orange error in cisco means: solid orange - port in error disable, spanning-tree negotiation, Trunk to access port mismatch or switch may have a faulty port. Port is shutdown for a 6500.

This must be something to do with FreeBSD or IX drivers. I have multiple VLANS assigned to the 10Gig network.  I am currently using Mikrotik Cloud Core since new version is broken. I can do testing if need be. Everything was working fine before upgrade.