***GOT REQUEST TO UPDATE***Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...Fetching meta.conf: . doneFetching packagesite.txz: .......... doneProcessing entries: .......... doneOPNsense repository update completed. 744 packages processed.All repositories are up to date.Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...Fetching meta.conf: . doneFetching packagesite.txz: .......... doneProcessing entries: .......... doneOPNsense repository update completed. 744 packages processed.All repositories are up to date.Checking for upgrades (45 candidates): .......... doneProcessing candidates (45 candidates): . doneChecking integrity... done (2 conflicting) - php73-opcache-7.3.28 conflicts with php74-opcache-7.4.20 on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-10-opcache.ini - php73-7.3.28 conflicts with php74-7.4.20 on /usr/local/bin/phpChecking integrity... done (0 conflicting)The following 30 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):Installed packages to be REMOVED: opnsense: 21.1.8_1 php74: 7.4.20 php74-ctype: 7.4.20 php74-curl: 7.4.20 php74-dom: 7.4.20 php74-filter: 7.4.20 php74-gettext: 7.4.20 php74-google-api-php-client: 2.4.0 php74-json: 7.4.20 php74-ldap: 7.4.20 php74-mbstring: 7.4.20 php74-opcache: 7.4.20 php74-openssl: 7.4.20 php74-pdo: 7.4.20 php74-pecl-psr: 1.1.0 php74-pecl-radius: 1.4.0b1_1 php74-phalcon4: 4.1.2 php74-phpseclib: 2.0.32 php74-session: 7.4.20 php74-simplexml: 7.4.20 php74-sockets: 7.4.20 php74-sqlite3: 7.4.20 php74-xml: 7.4.20 php74-zlib: 7.4.20New packages to be INSTALLED: php73: 7.3.28 php73-opcache: 7.3.28Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: os-cache-1.0_1 (direct dependency changed: php73-opcache) os-iperf-1.0_1 (direct dependency changed: ruby) p5-Net-IP-1.26_1 (ABI changed: 'freebsd:12:*' -> 'freebsd:12:x86:64') pkg-1.16.3Number of packages to be removed: 24Number of packages to be installed: 2Number of packages to be reinstalled: 4The operation will free 66 MiB.pkg-static: Cannot delete vital package: opnsense!pkg-static: If you are sure you want to remove opnsense, pkg-static: unset the 'vital' flag with: pkg set -v 0 opnsenseStarting web GUI...done.Generating RRD graphs...done.***DONE***
pkg remove -f os-cachepkg remove -f os-iperfpkg remove -f p5-Net-IP-1.26_1
Hi,At a first glance I would expect some issue with plugins (versions locking), can you try to remove the following packages using the commands below and try to update again via the gui? Code: [Select]pkg remove -f os-cachepkg remove -f os-iperfpkg remove -f p5-Net-IP-1.26_1The "business" type is indeed the correct one by the way.Best regards,Ad