Started by KeyHand, June 04, 2021, 03:54:57 PM

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I'm configuring a new OPNsense instance and have been rebooting the system quite frequently when testing.  Each time the system comes back up I'm faced with an `ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR` when attempting to access the web interface.

Searching around for similar issues, I found that running

configctl webgui restart

from the console was enough to regain access to the web interface.  Granted I won't intentionally be rebooting the system very frequently.  But this is the last thing I'd want to be dealing with after an unexpected restart.

Can anyone shed some light on what's happening here?

Maybe your (hardware) clock is out of sync. I had this once on my machine, where the bios clock was out of sync (battery was empty), after setting it up again, everything worked again. If you donĀ“t run bare metal, in hyper-v there is an option called "clock-sync" make sure it says "enabled".

This instance of OPNsense is running under QEMU, so it could be a clock issue.  Something to look into.  Thanks for the tip.