Reinstall Sensei after Elasticsearch crash

Started by Antaris, May 30, 2021, 12:59:19 PM

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May 30, 2021, 12:59:19 PM Last Edit: May 30, 2021, 01:03:01 PM by Antaris
I guess many of us have Elasticsearch stalled after update Sensei.
At least I had it on some of routers, managed by me. Reset reporting or reinstall Sensei not helping.
It is a pain in the @ss if we have to reinstall the entire OPNsense.
I found a simple solution in other place and want to share it, so we have it in the forums here:

1. Backup Sensei configuration, white and black lists first.
2. Connect to the router via SSH or local console and press 8 for Shell.
3. Run this in the console:

pkg remove elasticsearch5

cd /usr/local/etc

rm -rf elasticsearch

4. When you click on some Sensei subnemu, it will demand install, but this time will work :)
5. Restore you white and blacklists.
6. Buy me a beer :)

If there a simpler way post it here.
Proxmox enthusiast @home, bare metal @work.

@Antaris, thanks for the post. Very helpful.

Did you happen to have the elasticsearch from the community repo at some time?

Any chances you can reach out to support if you still have a system with the problem?

I resolve it immediately when happen. Always checking after update. Otherwise the kids go porn and TikTok :(
Proxmox enthusiast @home, bare metal @work.

Got it, makes sense.

Quick note: filtering will be in effect even if you have problems with the reporting database. Just make sure you have the packet engine running. (Sensei -> Status). You'll only lose reporting.