International Forums > Japanese - 日本語

Translation Work Licence - ライセンス


In accord with the entire OPNsense project, the licence for all JP translation work should fall under the 2-clause BSD licence.

古いpfSense JPの翻訳作業の用語はambigiousであるため、そのことを、このOPNsenseの翻訳作業は、新鮮な開始されます。
With that, because the terms of the old pfSense JP translation work is ambigious, this OPNsense translation work will be starting fresh.

The old work can be referenced here:
(Taguchi-san did almost all of the the heavy translation work!)

This is interesting. I wondered if the FreeBSD documentation license was appropriate for the Docu-Wiki.
Do I get you right, in that, the 2-clause BSD license could be applicable to documentation in general, or , like in your case, be applicable only to documentation in the source code?

Hi chol,

Sorry if I was confusing-

My intention is to clarify that the actual translation work is proceeding covered by the same 2-clause BSD license as OPNsense itself.  I am not referring to documentation in Japanese, but OPNsense itself.

Now that the work is underway, (and the English canonical source is settled), this is the translation work I'm referring to:

However, this forum appears to be *BSD licensed content- (footer below), I'm not sure about the doc wiki but I'm assuming it's roughly licensed for use in the same spirit as the code.


Yes, exactly as you say. It was me that was confused. I learned, recently, about the FreeBSD 2-clause docu license - and set it asthe base for the wiki-documntation now.
The Free BSD docu license is just a little more specific on what docu source and derived works would be.


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