Archive > 16.7 Legacy Series

[MERGED INTO 16.1.6] DHCP, DNS Forwarder and Resolver rework


Hi everyone,

All DHCP pages and their respective configuration generation code have been reworked, if you can please give the development version a try to see if your configs are still working as expected or whether there are any GUI areas that still need attention.

Furthermore, DNS Forwarder (dnsmasq) and Resolver (unbound) pages have been reworked and numerous bugs in conjunction with DHCP lease registration have been fixed. From our tests, static and dynamic leases are now pushed to both services correctly.

These changes are on opnsense-devel version 16.7.a_419.

See this guide on how to switch your running system to the development version:


Bumping this for attention, current merge target is 16.1.6.

Roger thanks to the whole team for the hard work! I absolutely love opnsense! Best experience I've had in networking and a great first step into custom routers and appliances.

Solaris, thanks for helping out. :)

Due to the hotfix the development branch is now at 16.7.a_456, just so that nobody wonders why that's so.

All done, thanks!


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