Live Multi-WAN-Aware Connection View?

Started by db, April 09, 2021, 10:20:49 PM

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I'm wondering if something like this already exists and I'm missing it, or if not, if it's even possible (perhaps if only via CLI?).

What I'd like to see is a list of current connections, bandwidth use, etc, which includes the LAN client (IP and/or DNS name) all the way through to which external interface it's using in a multi-WAN set up (as in, taking NAT into account). Bonus for being able to see historic data for closed connections but I'm really mostly interested in quickly answering "what client is uploading on which particular WAN _right now_", etc.

I suppose the view I'm looking for might look something like this:

LAN Client IP | LAN Client Port | Firewall IP | Firewall Port | Destination IP | Destination Port | Protocol | WAN Interface | Bytes Up | Bytes Down | Mbps Up | Mbps Down

And if we were to have some possible historic data maybe also 'Start Timestamp | End Timestamp'.

Any thoughts?

Played with Sensei a bit and it seems like it _almost_ does this, but seems to only work for closed connections and doesn't take NAT into account. Unless maybe there's something there I'm missing? I can't be the only one who wants to see this sort of data, can I? ;)