API timeout

Started by QBANIN, February 04, 2021, 03:15:03 AM

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After update to 21.1 accessing API throw timeout error.

{"connection":"timeout","downgrade_packages":[],"download_size":"","last_check":"Thu Feb  4 03:13:26 CET 2021","new_packages":[],"os_version":"FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p12-HBSD","product_name":"opnsense","product_version":"21.1","reinstall_packages":[],"remove_packages":[],"repository":"error","updates":"","upgrade_major_message":"","upgrade_major_version":"","upgrade_needs_reboot":"0","upgrade_packages":[],"all_packages":[],"status_msg":"Timeout while connecting to the selected mirror.","status":"error"}%   

Probably DNS error, slow download or disk. It's been an issue for a long time for small subset of installs and I want to solve it for 21.7.

The console update keeps working in these cases unless there is an actual connectivity issue.


February 05, 2021, 04:38:22 PM #2 Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 05:08:52 PM by QBANIN
GUI/routing/firewall and other services work fine, just can't access API from external app. My hardware is APU2C4 and everything was working fine till last update to 21.1.

Yes, I can imagine that can be so, but what do you want me to do? ;)



I just wanted to clarify any potential doubts :D

BTW. 21.7 doesn't sound good to me (21.2 sounds better) ;)

Basically it is a lot of work and risk to backport it breaking the firmware page is there so 21.7 it will be...
