OpenVPN TLS Handshake Fails

Started by TheCodeGeek, January 24, 2021, 08:35:33 AM

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Hey folks,

I am having an issue getting my VPN to work. I see logs in both ends (Client and OPNsense) and they both read the same I think for the most part. But I can't seem to figure out why the handshake keeps failing. I am attaching the logs with my IP address replaced with <MY IP> for privacy. Can someone please help, this is time-sensitive, I need it working by Noon tomorrow.

Edit: BTW, I followed the tutorial at

Thank you for the link, I checked all of this and suspect that it could be that I need to forward port 1194 to the first IP on my remote subnet (, but I missed my deadline and won't be able to try this until later in the week. I have already made an exception for the primary Viscocity application and the port on my client's workstation in and out. I will try port forwarding and post my results.