Do we (?) know if a server restart/reboot (Windows/Linux) will trigger a reload also in Unbound, if it is direct connected to OPNsense (like my LAN PC is connected)?
I'll test DNS-Proxy now...
anyone knows if they could be added via ssh/shell?
Adding a managed switch, which of course will solve the restart Unbound issue, will be way more complicated with VLANs and all
(imo its better to ask the devs (@mimugmail I think) ) to add some kind of hook to the for custom dnsbls (source "$custom_dnsbls" ? ))
Quoteanyone knows if they could be added via ssh/shell?I think you can. via custom configd actionyou can copy the update script with hardcoded dnsbls (/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/OPNsense/Dnscryptproxy/, add your lists to it (don't forget to clear it. it should only contain fqdns), add a custom action to configd (copy of "Download DNSCrypt-Proxy DNSBLs and restart" but with your own script and Description) and cron this job instead of a "Download DNSCrypt-Proxy DNSBLs and restart"
can you test changes for if down/up unbound HUP issue workaround? (checks if a file has changed before reloading). works on test VM but who knows..
/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/unbound/ && configctl unbound reload
I also noticed that the unbound does not actually restarts on cron job "Download Unbound DNSBLs and restart".imo the command in actions_unbound.conf should be changed toCode: [Select]/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/unbound/ && configctl unbound reload
[dnsbl]command:/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/unbound/ && /usr/local/sbin/pluginctl unbound restartparameters:type:scriptmessage:fetching and applying DNSBLsdescription: Download Unbound DNSBLs and restart
it might be worth making a FR for\actions_unbound.conf changes
Not sure I follow on this
pluginctl unbound restart
pluginctl -s unbound restart
configctl unbound reload
I have no idea how to do that