Latest update broke my firewall and not accessible with its ip

Started by benibilme, November 19, 2020, 09:37:33 AM

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I am kind of newbie. I have set up opnsense about two years ago, after that it worked, and I updated it a couple of times. This morning the I could not access the internet, I detected that unbound was not working, I restarted it and saw that internet is accessible again.  I also checked the updates and saw that my firmware is end of life and I unlocked and pressed ugrade button. I do not remember my current firmware but it was 20 something. The router rebooted successfully, the internet was  accessible, but  later, internet and the router has become not accessible, I rebooted the router, now I can not even ping the router. It is completely not accessible.

I really need advice how to handle this situation