repeat crashing

Started by JL, October 31, 2020, 06:56:12 AM

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dear, it is with a sense of dread i write this post as it concerns opnsense going haywire repeatedly

the logs reviewed thus far do not contain a clear indicator of what happened, but it never happens once, this is time three in just two weeks. For all cases over time the scheduled updates for suricata appear to correlate in time, except today and this time it is even more bad than just unbound and suricata dying.

i've now initiated the update for 20.7.4 which i had not done before since it only presented a pkg update

my question is if others experience such crashes as well, my concern is it may not be just instability of opnsense but an external factor. if so, there are not indicators left in the logs

Sensei or Suricata enabled?
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