Upgrade OPNsense 20.7.2 reboot fails due to suricata pid

Started by banym, September 02, 2020, 07:00:24 PM

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The first box that I updated did not made the reboot due to a suricata pid that did not exit.

I verified that the upgrade was done and only the reboot was pending, killed the process with kill -9 <pid> and everyting booted up normal and seems to work fine.
Twitter: banym
Mastodon: banym@bsd.network
Blog: https://www.banym.de

Hi there,

Not sure we've heard this before. It sounds random, but I'll keep an eye on this when doing the next test rounds.


September 03, 2020, 03:46:10 AM #2 Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 04:36:11 AM by littlepepper


I can confirm. However the problem has also existed when 20.7 -> 20.7.1 I thought it was a one off.

I killed suricata from the console and the rest of the upgrade / reboot went smoothly.

The IPS was on.. running normally and seems to be fine after the reboot

Same. IPS on and worked until reboot, continue to work after reboot.
Twitter: banym
Mastodon: banym@bsd.network
Blog: https://www.banym.de

I'm suspecting this is netmap related... Easy to check: turn of IDS, try to reboot a few times to confirm if you can. All help is appreciated.


in my case suricata starts, then it freeze the system completely
the big problem i see is with the wan connection - being disconnected all the time.
DEC750 Deciso

just to add some feedback: I have rebooted 20.7.2 a few times the last few days with IPS on. Suricata doesn't seem to stall at reboot using 20.7.2. So the issue might have just been isolated to 20.7 and 20.7.1

Just a guess but maybe this was due to syslog issues in 20.7 and 20.7.1? We need to wait and see what happens until 20.7.3 to be sure. :)


my 2ยข
read this thread before 2.7.2 upgrade and just disable suricata before upgrade.
upgrade was smooth. but attempts to launch a suricata ended in error (error (1)). some error in rule-updater.py.
I didn't have time to find out the reason - its just update rules and started normally on 4th or 5th try.
works well since that

Same thing happened to me just now on two separate OPNsense instances, upgrading from 22.1.10_4 -> 22.7_4.