Getting Telegraf to log CPU temperatures to Influx

Started by MTR, July 04, 2020, 07:30:22 PM

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I was fiddling around with the Telegraf plugin and a TICK-stack server and i thought it would be nice to graph the CPU temperatures as well. But adding [[inputs.temp]] to /usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf throws an error:
QuoteE! [inputs.temp] Error in plugin: plugin is not supported on this platform: not implemented yet
Hm, bummer. So i tried some stuff to get it to work and i came up with a workaround utilizing [[inputs.exec]].

This might or might not work on different systems than the one i'm using but it does work for a Intel i7-4500U CPU. I use this one-liner to get a properly formed output of my cpu temperatures from sysctl (you might need to change this to make it work for your system):
sysctl dev.cpu | grep temperature | sed 's/[a-z\.]*/systemp cpu/;s/\.[a-z]*\: /=/;s/.$//'
The output looks like this:
Quotesystemp cpu3=47.0
systemp cpu2=47.0
systemp cpu1=46.0
systemp cpu0=46.0

To get it all going:
1) Create /usr/local/etc/telegraf-scripts/ which contains above mentioned one-liner
2) Add these lines to /usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf:
  commands = [
    "sh /usr/local/etc/telegraf-scripts/",
  timeout = "5s"
  data_format = "influx"

3) Restart telegraf: service telegraf restart

That's it. You should now be able to graph your CPU temperatures from the newly created systemp measurement on your Influx server.

Thank you for sharing. After discovering your post I made a small adjustment to the sed used in order to output a format setting the cpu# as a feature tag so it more closely matches the existing Telegraf sensors format:

sysctl dev.cpu | grep temperature | sed 's/[a-z\.]*/sensors,feature=cpu/;s/\.[a-z]*\: / temp_input=/;s/.$//'