I only get running either with offloading or with passthrough, but not in parallel. What I would like to achieve is to use passthrough for one server and offloading for another server and distinguish via SNI or hostname.
6. How can we load balance TCP traffic that we don't want to get SSL offloaded, f.e. OpenVPN over TCP?In my tutorial I only explain how to "redirect+load balance SSL offloaded traffic".This is because I myself don't have (yet) the need to actually load balance any non SSL traffic.However balancing non SSL traffic is pretty much the same as balancing SSL traffic.You only have to make sure that your "NOSSLservice_rule" or "NOSSLservices_map-file_rule" is placed on the "SNI_frontend" instead of the "HTTPS_frontend" and that the backend that belongs to your "NOSSLservice_server" is running in TCP mode.
After reading a couple of time and trial-and-error, finally I got it running. The key infortation was written in the chapter: