Adding request options to dhcp6c

Started by erialor, June 05, 2020, 05:16:38 PM

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I've switched ISP which should me allow to go native IPv6 instead of via a HEnet-tunnel (which has otherwise worked great).

But - it seems that the dhcp-client is requesting all the needed options for it to work with the provider;

I can get it to request:
Requested Option code: SIP Servers IPv6 Address List (22)
Requested Option code: DNS recursive name server (23)
Requested Option code: Domain Search List (24)
Requested Option code: Simple Network Time Protocol Server (31)

But I also need:
SIP Server Doman Name List (21)  (I tried adding sip-domain-name, but that give a syntax error in the log on restarting the interface)
NTP Server (56)
Dual-Stack Lite AFTR Name (64)

I might need more options - waiting for a complete packetdump from my ISP.

Is this something that wouldd be able to achieve at all?

I'm trying to redo this: which is preciesly the same ISP - and appearently a OpenBSD-setup - using dhcpcd.

Same situation here... I gave up with kviknet and ipv6 as no dhcpv6 client in any major router dists. supported all the weird options.
Tried pfsense, edgerouters, opnsense among others. Their support could not even say if all the options are needed or just some :-(
OpnSense seems best bet due to the raw-options possibility but i have not been able to make it work.

I mapped out all the options mentioned in the article to the dhcp6c options where they exist:
DHCPcd options   IANA No.   DHCP6c option
option dhcp6_sip_servers_names   21   Sip-domain-name
option dhcp6_sip_servers_addresses   22   Sip-server-address
option dhcp6_name_servers   23   Domain-name-servers
option dhcp6_domain_search   24   Domain-name
option dhcp6_sntp_servers   31   
option dhcp6_ntp_server   56   Ntp-servers
option dhcp6_aftr_name   64   
option dhcp6_pd_exclude   67   
option dhcp6_sol_max_rt   82   
option dhcp6_inf_max_rt   83   
    # Request 94, 95 and 96      
option dhcp6_s46_cont_mape   94   
option dhcp6_s46_cont_mapt   95   
option dhcp6_s46_cont_lw   96   

When the raw options were added they were mainly added for Orange France; we did a lot of testing by capturing the the traffic on a working Orange France router and then saw what was needed to match it. If you can capture the packets that the ISP supplied router sends and receives we MIGHT be able to do something.... no promises though.
OPNsense 24.7 - Qotom Q355G4 - ISP - Squirrel 1Gbps.

Team Rebellion Member

Managed to get this working with these settings for kviknet: