Archive > 20.1 Legacy Series

Issues Begin after changing WAN Interface assignment


So...I was working on setting up an HA setup and failed.  Repeatedly.  Traffic would just stop I slowed down and videoed the whole process and did tests along the way.  I found that after changing the WAN interface assignment, and then just changing it a would start having failures. 
Video posted here, timestamps in the description describe my path to failure:

I guess first I need to figure out why changing interface assignments is failing before I can proceed with my HA setup.

Not sure why, but it looks like you have no default route from the looks of things after you change your WAN interface as viewed at the 1h 01m marker.  You can reach because it's directly connected and opnsense knows about it.

Can you compare before and after using netstat -anr on your opnsense machine?

Got past the first issue with the gateway...set one up manually after changing to static IP.  ;D Next, moved on to setting up LAGGs for my HA.  Lost internet.  Again, video for detail:

Got my previous issues sorted.  It appears I put the WAN address on the same IP I was using for a temporary AP I'd set up while messing with my network  :'(
Also, setting up the LAGGs appears to break any automatic NAT outbound rules, so nothing responds properly.  Moving on.....

Glad you're able to resolve your issues!  Fun times!


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