Question around Wireguard vs. OVPN routing / firewall difference..

Started by ckishappy, March 04, 2020, 07:44:29 PM

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Hello, I have been implementing the Wireguard client (plug-in OS-wireguard 1.1) on Opnsense 20.1.1, succeeding the OVPN client. The idea is that the users connecting with WLAN (specific IP range) connect via VPN to the internet..

All went well with the WLAN endusers enjoying more speed and uptime with wireguard on opnsense..with one exception: on the Macs / iPhones I had the issue that the iCloud email didn't connect (via IMAP to resp. SMTP to All the other email accounts (i.e. google, hotmail, local ones) could establish the imap, smtp connection when connecting opnsense with Wireguard.

If I revert back to use the OVPN client, the iCloud email connection issue is gone (no change to the config other than switching the interface).

I checked with the VPN provider (IVPN) but they are not aware of any issues. The IP is not blocked by Apple.

Have you experienced the same and what could be possible root causes/fixes?

I've been using the Wireguard setup to connect local clients on the LAN to the internet via my VPN provider.  While we've had issues with some websites and streaming services that don't like the VPN connection, we've had zero issues with iCloud or Apple mail services. 

Hi, I did upgrade to 20.3.1 and now we're back to normal with the synchronisation for Apple Mail. Not sure what caused the disruption but the 20.3.1 or Wireguard package upgrade resolved the issue!

Apple Mail on Catalina is a hot mess, e.g. breaking down when trying to sync large mail boxes.
