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miniupnpd default static 2189 port


packet loss:
The OPNsense configuration file for miniupnpd uses port 2189 by default. This specific static port was first seen in pfsense many many years ago and to this day is the same static port that OPNsense, pfsense and FreeBSD uses. There's no reason by default that this port should be static. If no port is specified miniupnpd randomizes the port. Even the developer of miniupnpd doesn't know why pfsense started using a static port in the first place.

I would like to see a setting in OPNsense under UPNP for this port setting. I believe the port should be blank which will allow miniupnpd to automatically generate a random port when started or allow someone to set a static port if they wish to do so. The only reason for a static port would only be for a strict LAN rule-set where someone might need to add a LAN rule for the static port.

I have other ideas surrounding miniupnpd settings as well. There's build settings I would like to discuss such as enabling randomize_urls and enable_https but for now hopefully we can get started with the dreadful 2189 static port.

Hi azdps,

Can you push this request to https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues/new ? Doesn't look hard to do, no real objections.

Please also get back on https://github.com/HardenedBSD/hardenedbsd-ports/issues/166 ;)


packet loss:
Hello franco,

Thanks for the feedback. Will take care of both.

Thank you,


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