Segmentation fault while installing

Started by niclasc, January 27, 2019, 04:03:39 PM

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Trying to install on an HP Elitebook 830 G3 but the installer crashes with a Segmentation fault.
I'm now running pfsense on the same hardware without a problem

How can I fix this?

Quote from: mimugmail on January 27, 2019, 04:14:47 PM
Have you tried 19.1rc1 Image?

Now I have and that one crashes as well. Same segmentation fault after I pressed enter at "OK lets Go"

Can you post a screenshot or a picture of the crash?

Now I got another error. Picture is from 19.1 installer

Bummer. We will likely replace the installer due to its untraceable issues in 19.7 or 20.1.


Quote from: franco on January 30, 2019, 12:38:57 PM
Bummer. We will likely replace the installer due to its untraceable issues in 19.7 or 20.1.


So the solution is to wait 6 months to install????

No, the solution is to find somebody who is willing to put in 4 weeks of work for this. Any takers?

The old bsdinstaller doesn't stand the test of time in this regard and needs to be replaced or fully repaired. The latter doesn't make a lot of sense.


I had the same issue with several versions on certain machines.
My solution is to boot with a USB, connect trough SSH and then do the installation.
That way I had no problems at all