[SOLVED] - Lost WAN communication every 9 minutes

Started by bruch05, January 14, 2019, 09:40:08 PM

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January 14, 2019, 09:40:08 PM Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 09:10:25 PM by bruch05

I'm Christophe from Paris. We use OpnSense 18.7.10 for a Charity Association.
I need your help.

Configuration 1 :

Provider GW <- FO-> PON <-Eth-> WAN If - OpnSense - LAN IF  <-Eth-> SW Gb  <-Eth-> NAS, Laptop (DHCP)                               192.168.1.x/24        

The Far Gateway is activated on WAN If due to /32.

Every 9 mn the Provider GW is unavailable. Just a SAVE and an APPLY on WAN interface parameters panel (or physical disconnect/reconnect) restore the data flow. No event in system.log relative to this failure.

To confirm that issue is under OpnSense, I've tested directly with a laptop connected to the FO PON and i haven't issue. (Down : 890Mb/s, Up : 950Mb/s)

All the parameters like LRO, TSO, EEE are correctly set. I've performed a test with another NIC, and i got the behavior.

Following some researchs :

- opnsense-revert -r 18.7.9 suricata' and reboot. Despite this, the bad behavior still remains. The Service Intrusion Detection is not enabled.
- opnsense-revert -r 18.7.7 unbound. The issue is always present.

Configuration 2 :

Provider GW <-FO-> PON <-Eth-> WAN If - BOX - LAN If  <-Eth-> ==>                                                           

==> WAN If - OpnSense - LAN IF  <-Eth-> Switch Gb  <-Eth-> NAS, Laptop                               192.168.1.x/24
        BOX DMZ to this address

I've an issue with Configuration 1 and not with Configuration 2. From my point of view, the /32 on OpnSense Wan Interface could be the root cause !?. Any idea to debug the WAN If activity ?

I would like to implement the configuration 1 to avoid to pay the Box rental.

Best regards and thank you by advance for your advises

Hi, the only thing I see at first glance:

==> WAN If - OpnSense - LAN IF  <-Eth-> Switch Gb  <-Eth-> NAS, Laptop                               192.168.1.x/24
        BOX DMZ to this address and 192.168.1.x/24 overlap?!?
kind regards
"The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity."
C.A.R. Hoare

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Thank you for your reply.  :)

You speak about an potential issue on configuration 2, but this configuration works without trouble.
I've the issue with the configuration 1 with /32 on wan if.

Any idea ?


What modem hardware are you using?  I'm running an Arris DG1670A cable modem and I'm seeing some weird behavior (disconnects, choking, etc.) as well and I'm wondering if there is a correlation.


Thx for your reply.

This is a PON huawey Fiber to Ethernet.
Connected to a laptop directly, the connection is reliable.
Connected to OpnSense, the connection is unstable...

I've post a question to my internet provider. I let you know if i've found a solution.



This behavior is due to ARP table not refreshed enough time.

The solution is to set this tunable parameter "net.link.ether.inet.max_age" to 300 seconds to avoid the ARP problem.


Great!  Were you able to modify your system and have the problems go away?  How did you find out this was the problem?  Is there a log file somewhere that is spitting out errors?

You say to set the tuneable parameter "net.link.ether.inet.max_age" but I'm not able to find that in the OPNSense GUI anywhere.  I looked in the System:Settings:Tunables but there is nothing like that in my list.  Is this something you have to edit on the OS itself?  If so, what file should be edited?


You can add it as a custom a tunable in the GUI. The list provided is just a list of frequently needed ones.


Ah, yes, I see it now.  Thank you for the information.

How were you able to determine that this was the cause of the problem?  Was it something in the log files?