unbound domain overrides not evaluated

Started by Andreas_, December 28, 2018, 10:56:19 AM

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I've been upgrading from 18.1.x to 18.7.9, and had some trouble with unbound not resolving some domain overrides after that. It would resolve some addresses from cache, and tried some from root servers. I had to edit and save a domain override unmodified to get unbound back to normal work.
This happened on two machines (master and slave).

Ok, this a lot badder: some 5 minutes after restart, the service will stop using the domain override, and try to resolve upstream.

A router pair with similar config still on 18.7.6 (unbound 1.8.1) doesn't show this problem so I tried that binary instead of the 1.8.2_2 version; no improvement.

Downgrading to unbound 1.7.3 from 18.1 helps! So apparently there's a regression from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1 and up.

Used https://pkg.opnsense.org/FreeBSD:11:amd64/18.1/latest/All/unbound-1.7.3.txz and pkg add -f