switch domain (x.net to x.com)

Started by johnk, July 15, 2024, 09:50:52 PM

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I have two domains x.com and x.net. I am using the x.com now, but not the .net. I want/have to move the x.com to self hosting and better security and still use the x.com email. Can I set up .net and then change the wan and related areas to the .com and reboot or shut dowm /boot and expect the .com to function?

I would do only a couple of of units in the pc vlan, but for the dmz1 i would install email and website servers for.net and redo domain, etc setting in this dmz1. Is this feasible?

still have to work out email transfer.

I think you should make a detailed plan and post the steps here for feedback on the OPNsense specific parts.