# Backend: bk_exchange_owa (Exchange Backend OWA)backend bk_exchange_owa # health check: hc_owa option httpchk GET /owa/HealthCheck.htm http-check expect status 200\ OK
acl path_owa path_beg -i /owa/
use_backend bk_exchange_owa if path_owa
As you can see, I have #health check: hc_owa commented but no trace in the haproxy.conf with acl or use_backend :
We should have this lines in haproxy.conf.Code: [Select]acl path_owa path_beg -i /owa/andCode: [Select] use_backend bk_exchange_owa if path_owa
You are right but did you try what you are saying ?
Sure I made Conditions and Rules in "Rules & Checks" but the configuration file haproxy.conf does not contain any Conditions and any Rules.So is it a bug ?