Are there any plans to add per IP address time period data quotas?

Started by kai, April 06, 2017, 01:26:57 AM

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Hi there, I've been looking around for a package outside of linux + IPTABLES quotas that has per IP address quota support. Not Bandwidth throttling or shaping but true quota.

i.e IP address A has the ability to download 300 meg in a 1 week period or 2 gig in 1 month and after that they are completely cut off.

I can't see any easy way to do this in any of the major firewall projects and I've seen quite a few people asking for it across multiple forums.

My particular application is that I have a VMWARE server with a monthly bandwidth limit from my provider, beyond which bandwidth is very expensive. I have sub machines which I have rented to clients but I want to be able to give those clients unlimited speed, but if they get hacked or compromised I don't want them to be able to blow out my bandwidth allocation for the month and dig into expensive bandwidth.

Is there any pan to add such a thing into OPNSense? It would give it a major feature strength over other packages out there.


that's what I'm also looking for.
I have 2 different wan connectet to 4G router, but I have a limited montly amount of data on my simcards, so I'd like to have the chance to set a daily/weekly/montly amount of data for every single user in my network.
hope to hear about something to manage it