[25.1.2] AdGuard Home not starting, UniFi Controller gone

Started by 9axqe, March 01, 2025, 07:36:38 AM

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I just noticed this, switched to unbound for DNS for now and will troubleshoot it today.

The UniFi plugin is marked as "missing" somehow (was definitely up and running on 25.1.1, I was on the GUI just yesterday)

I cannot find "/var/log/AdGuard.log" somehow, which makes the AdGuard troubleshooting a bit challenging at the moment...

Any pointers welcome.

I've posted about this here


Until we hear from Michael you can revert icu and reinstall unifi8. Unsure if the old config will be there or not.

opnsense-revert icu && pkg install os-unifi-maxit-1.3

For AGH start it from ssh and watch the output for clues, it's probably something that you'll have to comment out in the yaml file. It wasn't affected otherwise by 25.1.2 update, or any other one actually.



I did exactly this for AdGuard, it had nothing to do with 25.1.2, I had made a change that became impacting at next reboot simply (and my logging was somehow broken, not sure how long that had been).

Regarding UniFi, I will wait for Michael I think, the APs work, as long as I don't need to change any config I'm fine.

i have the same problem unifi controler no longer working with this update i have roolback to 25.1 and all was ok but 25.1.2 broke unifi controller but for me adguard working with 25.1.2

Thanks mimugmail, whenever it's ready :)

I've seen the problematic packages in snapshots late last week but I wasn't sure what the required fix was so it took a while to get clarification and the bit of news to reach you.

Quote from: mimugmail on March 03, 2025, 04:48:01 PMPushed a new update, can you try if it works now?
Everything looks good, thanks again Michael

he following 8 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
        alsa-lib: 1.2.12 -> 1.2.13 [mimugmail]
        boost-libs: 1.86.0_1 -> 1.87.0_1 [OPNsense]
        icu: 74.2_1,1 -> 76.1,1 [OPNsense]
        lcms2: 2.16_2 -> 2.17 [mimugmail]
        mongodb60: 6.0.19 -> 6.0.20_2 [mimugmail]
        openjdk17: 17.0.13+11.1 -> 17.0.14+7.1 [mimugmail]
        unifi8: 8.6.9 -> 8.6.9_2 [mimugmail]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        kea-2.6.1_2 [OPNsense] (required shared library changed)

Number of packages to be upgraded: 7
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1