Social Media and desinfomation dns blocklist

Started by inorx, March 01, 2025, 11:06:22 PM

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As desinformation (not different opinions!) on the web is growing and growing, specifically but not only over social media, it's time to filter it out - enough is enough.

I was looking for a blocklist i.e. with all the social media sites/hosts in it. A web search just brought a couple of very short lists containing very genereal domains like,, .... Does someone know a more comprehensive list to block social media?

Searching for a desinformation blocklist, I found 0 results. Knowing that some are confusing desinformation with different opinions, I'm looking for a list of domains known to spread desinformation by objective standards: A fact is a fact and a lie is a lie. I'm thinking about Russia Today and similar sites. Again here, does someone has a related hint, before I start curating one myself?


Bin all smartphones in the house. This is not a joke; you can only completely fix this at the client end.

You will obviously have to discuss your reasons for wanting to ban social media but that goes for any solution you propose.