OpenVPN 25.1 -> LDAP bind error [; Can't contact LDAP server] after upgrade.

Started by gdur, February 01, 2025, 03:59:08 PM

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February 01, 2025, 03:59:08 PM Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 10:51:55 AM by gdur Reason: Some additional info and findings.
Just upgraded to 25.1 and ran into this problem. LDAP bind error [; Can't contact LDAP server].
I have tested the LDAP connection prior to the update and it was still operational.
This happened on 2 machines, one after the other. Where #2 is for backup purposes.
Using the OPNSense tester results in:
The following input errors were detected:
    Authentication failed.
    error: User DN not found

I checked the connectivity from the console:
nc xx.xx.x.x 389 -v -w 10 and the response is:Connection to xx.xx.x.x 389 port [tcp/ldap] succeeded!
So what is wrong with the upgrade?
Added on Sunday 2-2-2025:
Forgot to mention that this is related to OpenVPN.
I've created for some users a local password, added local database to instance settings of OpenVPN and these users are now able to login.

Just bringing this problem again under attention since there has not been a response thus far.
Is this problem related to
It's clear from post 45606.0 that some changes were made regarding the LDAP implementation but possibly I have missed what the consequences are for already existing LDAP users. Do I need to re-create all the existing LDAP users?

Same here. Since upgrading to 25.1 LDAP users cannot login anymore with the error message given in this post.

I have already deleted an LDAP user and recreated it. But still cannot login with it.

Second small update published. So I don't have the feeling this issue is going to get fixed.

@gdur Were you able to solve this somehow?