Firewall hangs/odd behavior

Started by CanIKipThis, November 19, 2024, 04:18:15 PM

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Hey everyone,

Running OPNSense 24.7.8 on a HP T620+ with a quad intel NIC card.  Things for the past year have been great, but been noticing some odd behavior recently.  The symptoms will start to be that wifi seems to stop working.  When I look at my monitoring, using Check_MK, it indicates that the FW has stopped responding to SNMP crawls, and DNS queries.  I can confirm that happens to the clients in that they can ping through, but the DNS resolution at the FW stop responding (using Unbound).  Also, I have MultiWAN configured utilizing two fiber connections, one from Optimum and one from Frontier., and when it happened today around 8:20 AM EST, the firewall interface reported that WAN_FRONTIER was down and couldn't ping the IP I was monitoring, which was  It reported the Optimum interface was up and that it could ping its monitor of  However, on clients internally the inverse was true.  I could not ping from the LAN internally, but could 

Also clients did have their internal DNS resolution stop working.  I was able to SSH to the firewall and reboot it, once it came back up, all worked fine.  It should also be noted I was able to wireguard VPN externally to it initially (which is how I SSH into it) and reboot it. 

This has happened at least 5 or 6 times in the last month.  I've tried going through my logs but don't know what I am looking for.  Anyone have anything they can help with?

igb0 -> LAN
igb2 -> Unassigned, used as base for two VLAN interfaces
re0 -> completely unused (onboard NIC)

I attached my DMESG.LATEST file and SYSTEM.LATEST