New dashboard does not play well with mobile device.

Started by mrzaz, September 23, 2024, 01:46:33 AM

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Not up to start a flamewar but is it more usets than me that agree with me that the new dashboard does NOT play well with mobile devices. But also placement, size and movement of widgets is more problematic than on the old dashboard.

Widgets placed in a three column way, was automatically
stacked 1+2+3 on a mobile display in the old versions
But in the new dashboard mixes the items mishmash
from all stacks and there is no strict discipline that it
stacks column 1,2,3,n in that order.
Another problem also seen is that certain widgets
Is offshifted to the right on mobile display so widgets
is not exactly on top of each other.
This was much better in old dashboard where widget
width was always the same and they was always

I can agree that some of widgets looks nicer in the new
gui but some works needs to be done to make widget
aligning better and also widget sorting more strict
to the old way of column 1,2,3,n.

That is my 2 cent worth of constructive criticism.
Don't get me wrong,  I really do like Opnsense and
has been running it for many years and have no
plans of swapping.

Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Stockholm, Sweden
Best regards
Dan Lundqvist (mrzaz)

"It's better to burn up, than fade away..." (Highlander)

Hello. We have similar concerns regarding the new dashboard design. The current layout feels cluttered and lacks clarity, giving the impression of being designed by someone with limited experience. We believe it could benefit from a more streamlined and user-friendly approach to improve the overall user experience.

Thanks for the reply.
Good that it is not just me then.

Even if the old dashboard is a bit outdated (hower not bad in my opinion) but it was strict sizes and aligning which would make small screens behave better and large screens also behave in a predictable way.

Now it feels cluttered and not well adjusted.
I agree with your statement and think this needs to be revisited with someone having better experience with UX design to get back to what was powerfull with the old dashboard design and structure BUT with a newer more updated and agile design.

Best regards
Dan Lundqvist
Best regards
Dan Lundqvist (mrzaz)

"It's better to burn up, than fade away..." (Highlander)

It would be best to voice these concerns on Github - opnsense/core - to make sure they're not lost in the daily noise here on the forum.

There's quite a bit of work going on with the dashboard, some of which might land in 24.7.5 later this week.