No internal WiFi after update to 24.4_1

Started by Gaius, September 15, 2024, 09:46:00 AM

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Hi everyone!

Now i have my first problem i cant solve myselve.

I wanted to install adguard and therefor i updatet the firmware to the last version 24.7.4_1

i also installed adguard successfully but did not activatet it jet.

But nowmy  WiFi is  gone. Configuration is still the same.

Assignments is correct

under Interfece/Overview/ Status-->  opt2--> run0_wlan1, Status is green

Interface is set up correctly (well nothing changes, it runs bevore the update well)

BUT it is not active. Cant find it with any device.

I tryed to delete interface, re setup it, deactivating/activating it servas times connect manuelly to wifi in case it is simply not broadcasting but with no success at all. Seems the Interface is dead even onsense shows it to me alive.

My Hardware is a Protectli FW4B with an internal WiFi Module.

Has it have to do with the Update?

Anyone else with the same Problem?

Don't use WiFi on FreeBSD. You were extremely lucky to get OPNsense to even see the WiFi module. Your old setup was fragile, as you have found out.

Use an external WiFi access point connected by ethernet. This allows you to update OPNsense to the latest FreeBSD which in turn avoids the level ten vulnerability that has just been discovered.


Oh what a pity, then i have to add another divice to my many other devices under the table and it shines like a chrismas tree.

well it ccant be that lucky when there is an officical instruction at protectli to set up the internal wifi.

It is still best to get a proper wifi6 router that is supported in OpenWRT or DD-WRT.

On some WiFi routers that have OpenWRT you can actually control the LEDs, but I don't recommend turning them off as it takes away any indicators that may be useful in troubleshooting

Quote from: bartjsmit on September 15, 2024, 09:57:26 AM
[...] the level ten vulnerability that has just been discovered.

The level ten vulnerability that is completely irrelevant on a dedicated firewall system with no interactive users and no user provided code.

The CVE score system is broken to the point of having become not only worthless but straight dangerous.
Deciso DEC750
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